Introducing our new charity of the year


Search Labs

Company News

We are excited to announce that our charity of the year will be The Guide Dog Foundation starting on September 1st. This is a special opportunity for Search Laboratory Inc. as it is our first time fundraising for a charity of the year!

The Guide Dog Foundation was established in 1946 to help the blind and visually impaired by providing them with guide dogs and free training on their campus for free. In addition to guide dog services, the Guide Dog Foundation realized there was a strong need for assistance dogs regardless of an individual’s disability and decided to open up another organization in 2003, called America’s VetDogs. We will be working with both charities.

While their services are free to those who need it, it’s not free to raise and train a little pup into a reliable guide or service dog. The entire process from breeding to training a puppy costs approximately $60,000!



According to the National Federation of the Blind, there are about 10 million Americans who are blind or visually impaired. Of all working-age blind adults, 70% are unemployed. Providing an individual like this with a guide dog is powerful because it could help them lead a more fulfilling life.

Search Laboratory Inc. will be supporting the Guide Dogs Foundation and American VetDogs through exciting fundraising and awareness events both locally and throughout the US.

Stay tuned for our first event!

Working together across the pond

We are working closely with our UK office as they are also supporting the same cause. Guide Dogs was established in 1931 and provides support for those suffering from blindness or visual impairment. Like the US, it costs about £55,000 to raise and train a puppy to become a service dog.

Visual impairments and blindness can affect anyone, any age or gender and without warning. Offering a service dog is the difference between an isolated and frightening future and one filled with independence and optimism. Blindness shouldn’t be a barrier to anyone.
