Top 10 landing page tips to increase conversions | Search Laboratory

Top 10 landing page tips to increase conversions




An effective landing page is a core part of the PPC process. The best campaign in the world can’t reconcile a landing page which doesn’t then convert visitors into sales and/or leads. Here are some of the tips and tricks we apply to landing pages to maximise conversions.


1. Set goal

A landing page should have a clear goal, whether it’s getting potential customer details, a one off purchase of a product or service, or simply brand awareness. Establishing what you want the page to actually achieve should always be the first consideration.

2. Copy format

You won’t have much time to convince a visitor to stay on your page. Keep the copy short, to the point, and easily scanable, use bullet points and clear headings.

3. Copy messaging

Be consistent with your ppc campaign ads. Answer questions visitors likely to have about your product or service, tap into their needs and wants. Orientate the visitor, clearly state upfront what the product or service is, with a clear descriptive title. If applicable, state the benefits of the company and service, especially unique selling points.

4. Call to action

Make it an enticing prospect with a catchy title and descriptive button. If it’s a form to get visitor details, keep fields to the absolute minimum necessary, if lots of info is required, split the form into stages with information capture at every stage. Consider using a carrot such as offering an info pack or whitepaper, other options could be ‘Call me back’, ‘Enquire Now’ or if feasible; implement an online live chat facility.

5. Focus the visitors attention

Have important information prioritised at the top of the page, above the fold. Ensure the call to action is in the most prominent position. If using a form, consider using a lightbox (when a call to action button is clicked the page fades out to the background, displaying only the form lit up to interact with). Make sure phone numbers are highly visible and prominent.

6. Trust & Credibility

Give visitors a reason to trust your company. If you have any awards or good reviews, use them. Consider using short, ‘on message’ testimonials, the bigger the company the better. If your company has large clients, ask permission to use their logo’s on the page.

7. Layout

Stick to convention, have a credible header and footer. Include, if applicable; terms and conditions, disclaimer, privacy policy, up to date copyright. Use an empathetic image which engages with the visitors likely needs and wants. Ensure the pages look and feel reflects the emotional appeal of the product or service.

8. Usability

Make your desired goals as easy to achieve for visitors as possible. Spell out the ease of the process. For example; a simple steps 1,2,3 diagram of what you want them to do. If using a form with address fields, consider a ‘post code’ look up facility which automatically fills in the user details.

9. Eliminate distraction

Limit the visitors options, remove the navigation, or any other links that take the user away from the landing page. Don’t let them stray from what you want them to do.

10. Test

If budget allows, try testing different elements of the page to see which converts best. Using Google web optimizer, either a simple A/B test (one page against another) or a multivariate test (swap out individual elements such as messaging, form process, imagery). Striking results can be made from this process.

The Future of SEO (Report)


Decoding cutting-edge search updates to create a future-proof organic strategy


The role of SEO is evolving in today’s digital landscape. User journeys are becoming more fragmented, use of generative AI is rising and continued updates from Google are leading reasons for shifts in organic search worldwide.

Our Future of SEO report, co-authored by James Bentham and Amy Banks, addresses these concerns and provides insights on how marketers can realign their approach so SEO can thrive. By doing so, businesses can create future-proofed solutions that lead to prolonged and sustainable success.