5 PPC trends so far in 2015


Joe Thompson


We are only a third of the way into 2015 but we can already start to identify some common trends in the world of PPC this year. Let’s take a look at five lessons we’ve learnt so far, and how they will lead to a successful PPC campaign.

1. Mobile search volume

Now this is hardly a ground-breaking observation, as mobile has been tipped to dominate for years. However, it is increasingly significant for potential reach, with faster loading times and greater connectivity. Organisations that fail to create mobile-friendly sites will soon fall behind those who do. Traditionally, users were wary of making purchases on their mobile due to security reasons. Now that mobiles are becoming more sophisticated, mobile purchases are growing. Mobile retail purchases are expected to exceed $700bn by 2018, according to Juniper Research. This greater trust means users are more likely to click on ads and therefore more likely to make a purchase.

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2. Fast forward to video

Let’s face it, the average user’s attention span is dwindling. It is now more crucial than ever to use ads that capture their imaginations within seconds and improve the chances of a conversion. Ads including interactivity that allow users to engage with their desired product is fast becoming the most effective approach. Additionally, growing mobile technological capabilities are enabling more mobile-supported video content to be shared so the market for them is certainly on the rise. PPC campaigns with remarketing functions enabled have a higher chance of capturing those users by displaying quality video content across the network.

3. Tracking is king

Tracking technology coupled with advancements in cross-device conversion tracking adds to the growing amount of data that you can use to perfect a PPC campaign. More information translates to a greater understanding of your target users. A greater understanding leads to more relevant ads, which in turn creates a higher click-through rate and more conversions. Everybody wins.


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4. Dynamic ads

A fundamental feature of PPC in 2014 was the successful impact of shopping campaigns, which enhanced the user’s buying experience by displaying their desired products in a digestible and convenient way. This illustrates the growing success for visually pleasing and relevant ads. So what is the next step?

Keep your ads dynamic, engaging and, most importantly, presented so they are easily interpreted by the user. Ad extensions and sitelinks now add the finishing touches to a well -structured ad and they are also taking up more page space. This increased amount of space also means that the top two spots have more presence than ever. If we link this to mobiles then this space will certainly be valuable on a smaller screen so it is definitely worth considering when creating your campaigns.

5. The importance of adaptability

One conclusion we can certainly draw from all these trends is that organisations and PPC managers that remain adaptable in today’s market are the ones who will experience regular success. The very nature of the PPC world is founded on constant flux, so by keeping your ear to the ground and staying in the loop when it comes to industry trends, you can always stay one step ahead of the game and consistently offer the most relevant ads through the most effective mediums.

All in all, 2015 is still young and more invaluable lessons in PPC are sure to come. The lessons discussed provide every PPC manager with insight into how to structure a successful campaign and a combination of all these should put you in good stead. The key is to constantly re-evaluate best practices and adapt to trends in the industry. Even the most fundamental lessons are subject to change.