Next generation Google Analytics (v5) available to public beta!

Paul Shearing

Head of Analytics

Analytics and Data Science

A new version of Google Analytics has been unveiled and opened up to a public beta trial at the Google Analytics User Conference in San Francisco. This new version contains a pretty dramatic face lift as well as adding some awesome new features! In addition to this, Google claim to have made some large changes to the underlying platform to enable new features and faster development in the future so who knows what they have planned next.

If you would like to take part in the beta you can put your name down here:

Some of the new features are listed below:

  • Better Interface – New and improved it provides you with a faster and more intuitive route to your intended page. Once you are used to it I personally think it is a big improvement.

Better Interface

  • Multiple Dashboards – You can now create several dashboards and customise each for different purposes. For example your Marketing Manager can now get one dashboard while your CEO can get another. The ability to customise has also been improved.


  • Events as goals! – A much asked for feature has now been provided. This allows you to set events as goals which is a great addition for those websites that lack solid conversion metrics and use events to indicate visitor engagement levels.

Events As Goals

  • Term Clouds – A brand new feature report that lets you see your keywords in a visual way.

Google Analytics Term Clouds

This is just a taster of the new release. A fuller description of the new features will be available on this blog over the coming weeks so be sure to check back soon.

Google have not yet indicated when they aim to do a full release so be sure to get your name down for the beta if you can’t wait.

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