Universal Analytics | Search Laboratory

Universal Analytics launched to public beta


Analytics and Data Science

Google, in recognition of the modern consumer who uses multiple devices to browse websites and online retailers, has made Universal Analytics available to the wider public.

Originally launched on a limited beta in October, Google announced that it was extending Universal Analytics to everyone in a blog last week.

Universal Analytics allows businesses to track the same consumer across multiple devices or touch points. So whereby previously if you logged onto a website via your mobile and then again on your tablet, before revisiting on your desktop your activity would have showed as three separate visits – Universal Analytics displays your activity as just one visit, across three devices.

This will allow businesses to better track the performances of mobile apps and address the problems that multi-channelling has caused for attribution. Ultimately Universal Analytics should help businesses gain a clearer insight of lead generation and how consumers interact with their websites.

Other advantages of Universal Analytics include the incorporation of both online and offline interactions, while companies can now also integrate their own date and customise their preferred metrics.

Universal Analytics is easy to implement, simply chose the selections pictured above to receive the new analytics.js code snippet, which is applicable for websites, iOS and Android SDKs.