SEO versus Marketing | Search Laboratory

SEO versus marketing


Technical SEO

It used to be that marketing and search engine optimisation were thought of as two completely different entities, however in an increasingly technological world where business, marketing and thought-leadership mingle daily online, the lines between the two once separate practices have blurred.

The definition of marketing is, the action or business of promoting and selling products or services. While SEOs may not be directly involved in selling, the promotion part rings true – we are employed to raise awareness of a particular client and thereby increase the sales.

Building relationships is key to SEO

Back in the pre-panda and pre-penguin days, SEOs tended to be blinkered on links with user experience an after-thought. This was obviously not user-friendly, and accordingly Google has changed this, with an emphasis on search experience optimisation over search engine optimisation.

This is of course a good thing for everybody – not having to read articles with ten irrelevant links in, not having your blog attacked by spammy comments and a drop in the amount of useless blogs will only help the internet become a more relevant, enjoyable place.

More relevant articles on sites, as well as penalties for paid-for posts (or advertorials) will also help in the long-term to make sites appear on the first page deservedly.

Marketing is a very broad term, and people are quick to slap it with prefix; inbound and content are two that are prevalent currently. But what is SEO if not the act of raising awareness of a company or brand?

Increasing and maintaining a higher authority site to come higher in the SERPs is just one way of improving a brand’s awareness, and through content marketing and online PR, an SEO can greatly affect the number of people aware of their client. So how long before SEO is just considered plain old marketing?