Enterprise SEO – An Introduction to Digital Marketing

James Bentham

Head of SEO

Technical SEO


Enterprise SEO extends beyond the basic principles of optimising a webpage and promoting your brands content. A more accurate definition is the implementation of large SEO projects for organisations which rely on digital operations for their business to compete. Whilst SEO is a relatively broad topic, enterprise SEO requires the facilitation of specific SEO practices across all departments and employees to provide good rankings results and an evangelical search culture.

In search marketing, enterprise SEO can be explained in two ways. Firstly, the actions of the SEO professional driving forward the large scale web changes across content, infrastructure, site index and keywords. Secondly, the organisation which requires a digital platform with significant web marketing initiatives to entice its customer/consumer base. Together they form the implementation and platform of an enterprise SEO model which is typically an ecommerce platform using the following features:

  • Public landing pages with dynamic URLs hosted on multiple servers.
  • User generated content.
  • Internationally accessible website with a global presence.
  • Competing in a large industry with a predominant digital strategy for return on investment (ROI).
  • Existing relationship with Google through Adwords and WebMaster Tools.
  • User interaction determines display features.

Enterprise SEO requires the professional to use smart diplomacy when instigating internal changes. This is because you are likely to be working on a project where you cant control the site changes, require internal content approval, use a complex CMS system, and are regularly subject to department scrutiny on your social media and link building strategies. For these reasons your role is that of a stealth diplomat, justifying the changes to the websites content and keywords through a complex administration process whilst providing positive updates to ensure your CEO has the full backing of the project. Therefore to work effectively, search engine optimisation must be fully embraced by your organisation.

Embracing enterprise SEO

SEO used to provide a controversial debate on the ethics of website manipulation, but Googles algorithm changes have ensured the industry is forming a reputable name with organisations increasingly embracing enterprise SEO to boost growth and revenue. Search marketing facilitates effective supply chain management processes within the digital marketing strategy, and web projects are increasingly reliant on SEO specialists to respond swiftly to Googles algorithm changes and implement new social tools. Before taking that first enterprise SEO dive, consider these implementation and ranking factors below.


Does driving traffic increase customer acquisition or influence consumer choices? Is it part of your brand awareness strategy, or a resource for partnerships? These answers will drive your strategy and provide strong motivation for the project. If organic search is a critical part of your business it will probably require a C-Level buy in. The scale of the buy depends on your in house team and their skills to coordinate with the specialist SEO firm you are likely to be outsourcing to. Implementing enterprise SEO may take time, but you should allow a 6 month gap for keywords rankings to change, bearing in mind success will be dependent upon the speed to which you implement technical recommendations.


The biggest obstacle for a sites ranking performance is the technical architecture of the website and its indexation of content. Spreading the link juice throughout the back link profile will improve ranking performance and power key terms. Creating an XML sitemap of the URL structure and submitting this to Google will enable the search engine to read the intricacies of your site and rank accordingly.

Content and social

Unique and original content written for a reader and not for a search engine is the best way to demonstrate your websites trust and reliability. Content can be distributed through the company’s social channels creating a powerful social presence and link building potential. Social is becoming a crucial part of the Google Algorithm and an intelligent addition to a search engine which aims to not only understand information, but people and relationships.

Metrics and links

Quantifying data in web marketing provides insights into your performance. Google Analytics, keywords reports, social signals and sales leads are paramount to understanding the success of the enterprise SEO strategy and adjustments throughout. Building high quality links will drive rankings and non-brand traffic which can be achieved through leaning on existing relationships and distributing high quality content.


SEO Professional

Driving enterprise SEO is the responsibility of the ecommerce manager or the external SEO specialist targeting that Google page one spot. A significant challenge is to effectively communicate and coordinate the requirements of the SEO strategy, bearing in mind the deadlines and priorities of other team members. Content distribution is likely to acquire approval from the different departments accountable for their marketing, and tactical nous will become a critical skill to push through content solutions when link building for the site.


Ask each department to appoint an SEO representative to handle responsibilities for the enterprise strategy. Produce regular keyword reports and traffic which can communicate measurable results effectively. To get the most out of team members you may need to provide an emphatic approach towards deadlines and write detailed site metric reports that prove beyond the doubt the benefits of a title tag or URL change.


Websites have technical issues ranging from poor information architecture design to duplicate content publications, simply start by identifying basic optimisation improvements and auditing the website. If there are bureaucratic hurdles from the offset, get the technical team on board by presenting the benefits of SEO and making them feel valuable in the projects changes. A large problem for enterprise SEO is an out-dated CMS system; full migration to a new platform will require help from the IT department and can re-energise a company’s growth and brand values.


This a major roadblock for enterprise SEO due to the lack of understanding surrounding the way Google operates. SEO is a never ending process and traffic fluctuations can be a complex problem to digest. Focus on SMART goals for search referrals, analytics and positive movement on brand keywords.
