How to use LinkedIn’s latest feature

Niki Lancaster

Head of Creative

Industry News

With over 500 million users, LinkedIn is an invaluable tool for businesses looking to get their brand and content in front of prospects.

Their latest update makes it even easier for companies to build their LinkedIn following in front of a relevant audience. The feature, which has already begun rolling out to users, allows page admins to invite their LinkedIn connections to follow the business page.

Not all accounts will currently have access. If your page hasn’t been updated, you can expect to get the feature in the upcoming months.

How to invite your LinkedIn connections to follow your business page

To use this feature, you will need to have been granted admin access to the business page. Speak to the page owner who can give the correct level of access if you they have not already done so.

In your LinkedIn business page, select ‘Admin Tools’

Select ‘Invite Connections’

Select your connections and send them an invitation.

There will also be an option to invite people directly from the company LinkedIn page. In order to invite someone, you’ll need to have a direct first connection with them; if you are connected but still unable to find them, they are already following the page.

Inviting your connections to like your business page is an easy way to get your content in front of a wider, relevant audience. For businesses with multiple stakeholders who run the LinkedIn page or have admin access, building this into the networking process is a great way of introducing more people to your company.

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